Monday, August 8, 2011

Well, hello old friend!!!

Long time, no check in, eh? DH doesn't have his laptop anymore as that belonged to the school and my new job doesn't allow me to be online all day anymore (boo!!) so the only computers are my iPod and our desktop in the ice cold basement. So I use my iPod which makes posting hard since I have to email it in! Oiy! First world problems, I know!!

Anyway, I have been running for about two weeks now. I have gained some weight from my last weigh in on here. But I feel like the weight has adjusted around. We had been bike riding for a few weeks before I started running so that has helped my figure too.

I hadn't seen any head to toe shots of me in a long time...and this one from work has me pleasantly surprised! I feel I look thinner than I have been giving myself credit for! Still want to lose those saddle bags, but the running is helping all this!!!

DH and I are hoping to run our first 5k in October. Wish us luck! It's not about winning, or what place I come in, or even's about knowing I CAN run it!!! I keep telling myself that I am still moving faster than those sitting on the couch, right?

Plus, I am super inspired by my friend, "C". She has set out to lose weight and has lost almost thirty pounds!!! What a rock star!!!! :)

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